Thursday, September 6

August 25

On this day my Aunt Cece and Uncle Joe celebrated their 25th anniversary. Of course we were invited cause we after all are part of the family! We had a swell time - everyone was soo nice but there were soo many feet that we stayed close to mommy the entire time.

There was a fashion show where the men had to dress up in women's lingerie and Jessie stepped in for Pops who was a little shy. Unfortunately she didn't win :-(


Molly the Airedale said...

Happy 25th anniversary to Aunt Cece and Uncle Joe! I wish we could see pictures of the men in ladie's lingerie! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy anniversary to your Aunt & Uncle. I like that photo of you shaking paws Jake

~ Girl girl

Bernadette said...

Jessie was the best cross dresser there that night! I mean the best dressed doggie that night...oh she's cute no matter what!!


Love ya,
