Saturday, December 2

Our walk - in the snow - By Jake

Here are pics from today from our walk - today (wow mama feels sooo organized)
Mama learned some stuff today:
You can almost slip and break your head on icy grass. (especially if 2 dogs are pulling you).
It can still snow like a frigid blizzard even if the sun is out.
Most sticks that Jessie bugs the hell out of you to throw (so she can run after them and bark her head off) are frozen into the ground.
Dogs boots are miracoulously missing (heehee).
And lastly - there are no bathrooms at Molson Park!


Boo Casanova said...

ah, no bathroom... can you get mama to pee pee like you? LOL

wet wet licks


Chelsea said...

My Mama has peed out in public but, I don't know if she wants me to share that. When nature calls, ya gotta listen!


Fu Fu said...

Oh no.. NO BATHROOM? What did your mum do? And is the icy grass that hard that it'll break your head??

~ fufu